Bitcoin Brunch
About this event
A local meetup for Bitcoiners, by Bitcoiners. Come enjoy delicious food and even better conversations. There’s always something to learn at Bitcoin Brunch!
Every Sunday from 10am-3pm; sometimes later if the vibes are right
“My mother Naomi, she cooked for 4 and fed 40. Now her name feeds thousands and her generosity continues” – Yaron Yemini (Featured in the Miami Herald & the New Tropic )
For collaborative inquiries, please contact /
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Looking to start a Bitcoin Brunch in your area? Already have one? We’d love to collaborate! Submit a brunch, or contact us on any social channel!
Bitcoin Brunch Code of Conduct
At Bitcoin Brunch, we like to use the The “21 feet” rule : if your conversation or activity is disrupting the greater brunch, please take it 21 feet away.
– Have a phone call? – Take it away!
– Getting heavy into business with a fellow Bitcoin brunch attendee? Take it away! There are other tables at Naomi’s Garden you can move the conversation to. We’re glad to provide a venue for the sparking of business development for Bitcoiners , but can’t allow it to absorb the greater brunch.
– Signing paperwork? We’re not entirely sure why you chose Bitcoin Brunch to be the forum for this: please take it away from the table & consider not bringing your work to Brunch.
– Share, don’t shill! If you’d like to present something, just ask the group if they’d like to hear about it!* If you’re interested in shilling: You know where the door is! We welcome healthy conversations and love to hear about new innovations in the space, but have a hard line against shilling**. 21feet + 21 more feet should find you at the exit.
– Be respectful! – Do unto others, lend your ears as much as you use your tongue, and don’t heckle. We appreciate critical thinking, fiery conversation, and heated debate – however as a community, we draw a hard line at heckling.